
  1. ReceivedBlockTracker 管理 block 数据,如果配置了 checkpoint 目录,会 ReceivedBlockTracker 会把它管理的数据使用预写日志写入到 HDFS 中
  2. driver 的状态也会在特定的阶段 Checkpoint 到 checkpoint 目录中去
  3. 在编写 spark streaming 程序时,创建 StreamingContext 可以预先判断有没有 checkpoint 数据,这样在 driver 因故障重启时可以读取 checkpoint 数据恢复到重启前的状态


ReceiverTracker 在实例化时会创建一个 receivedBlockTracker,这个对象负责实际的 block 信息管理。

在这个类的构造函数中可能会创建一个 WriteAheadLog 实例:

private val writeAheadLogOption = createWriteAheadLog()

private def createWriteAheadLog(): Option[WriteAheadLog] = {
  checkpointDirOption.map { checkpointDir =>
    val logDir = ReceivedBlockTracker.checkpointDirToLogDir(checkpointDirOption.get)
    WriteAheadLogUtils.createLogForDriver(conf, logDir, hadoopConf)


def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = {
  try {
    // 如果配置了 wal 日志,先写到 wal 日志中
    // wal 日志持久化到 hdfs 中
    val writeResult = writeToLog(BlockAdditionEvent(receivedBlockInfo))
    if (writeResult) {
      synchronized {
        getReceivedBlockQueue(receivedBlockInfo.streamId) += receivedBlockInfo
      logDebug(s"Stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} received " +
        s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId}")
    } else {
      logDebug(s"Failed to acknowledge stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} receiving " +
        s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId} in the Write Ahead Log.")
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) =>
      logError(s"Error adding block $receivedBlockInfo", e)


  1. 每次 JobGenerator#generateJobs 完成 job 提交时会发送 DoCheckpoint 消息触发 Checkpoint

    private def generateJobs(time: Time) {
      // Checkpoint all RDDs marked for checkpointing to ensure their lineages are
      // truncated periodically. Otherwise, we may run into stack overflows (SPARK-6847).
      ssc.sparkContext.setLocalProperty(RDD.CHECKPOINT_ALL_MARKED_ANCESTORS, "true")
      Try {
        jobScheduler.receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(time) // allocate received blocks to batch
        graph.generateJobs(time) // generate jobs using allocated block
      } match {
        case Success(jobs) =>
          val streamIdToInputInfos = jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.getInfo(time)
          jobScheduler.submitJobSet(JobSet(time, jobs, streamIdToInputInfos))
        case Failure(e) =>
          jobScheduler.reportError("Error generating jobs for time " + time, e)
      eventLoop.post(DoCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater = false))
  2. jobScheduler.submitJobSet 时,分别提交每个 job, 在每个 job 完成时会发送 JobCompleted 事件,这个事件最终也会触发 DoCheckpoint 事件

    private def clearMetadata(time: Time) {
      // If checkpointing is enabled, then checkpoint,
      // else mark batch to be fully processed
      if (shouldCheckpoint) {
        eventLoop.post(DoCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater = true))
      } else {
        // If checkpointing is not enabled, then delete metadata information about
        // received blocks (block data not saved in any case). Otherwise, wait for
        // checkpointing of this batch to complete.
        val maxRememberDuration = graph.getMaxInputStreamRememberDuration()
        jobScheduler.receiverTracker.cleanupOldBlocksAndBatches(time - maxRememberDuration)
        jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.cleanup(time - maxRememberDuration)
  3. doCheckpoint 方法把一个 Checkpoint 对象持久化到 HDFS,同时如果有配置还会清理早期数据

    private def doCheckpoint(time: Time, clearCheckpointDataLater: Boolean) {
      if (shouldCheckpoint && (time - graph.zeroTime).isMultipleOf(ssc.checkpointDuration)) {
        logInfo("Checkpointing graph for time " + time)
        checkpointWriter.write(new Checkpoint(ssc, time), clearCheckpointDataLater)
      } else if (clearCheckpointDataLater) {

    Checkpoint 缓存了如下一些数据:

    val master = ssc.sc.master
    val framework = ssc.sc.appName
    val jars = ssc.sc.jars
    val graph = ssc.graph
    val checkpointDir = ssc.checkpointDir
    val checkpointDuration = ssc.checkpointDuration
    val pendingTimes = ssc.scheduler.getPendingTimes().toArray
    val sparkConfPairs = ssc.conf.getAll

driver 重启

// Function to create and setup a new StreamingContext
def functionToCreateContext(): StreamingContext = {
  val ssc = new StreamingContext(...)   // new context
  val lines = ssc.socketTextStream(...) // create DStreams
  ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDirectory)   // set checkpoint directory

// Get StreamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new one
val context = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDirectory, functionToCreateContext _)

如上配置可以使得在重启时优先读取 checkpoint 目录中的数据